
Consumer products

A quick and simple guide for epilator use 


When it comes to removing body hair, shaving is the ultimate quick-fix. But it can become frustrating when stubble begins to appear after only one to two days. If you want to enjoy hair-free, smooth skin for longer lengths of time, it’s time that you learn how to use an epilator.  Unlike shaving, epilating removes hair from the root, providing you with weeks of smooth skin. Correct epilator use is important if you want to know how to epilate without pain. Equip yourself to avoid any epilator pain and reap the benefits that this hair removal method offers with this helpful guide. We will walk you through epilating for the first time and answer common questions such as ‘how does an epilator work?’ and ‘do epilators hurt?”  Once you know the ins and outs of epilator use, you may never want to shave again!  

How does an epilator work?



First thing’s first: how does an epilator work? An epilator is a device made with rotating discs that grip the hair and pull them out from the roots. This is very similar to waxing, except epilating is less messy and doesn’t require any other items other than the epilator device. 


The benefits of epilating are plenty. Results differ from person to person, but overall, epilating gives you smoother results that last longer than other hair removal methods. Another benefit is that it can remove shorter hair. With waxing, for example, you usually have to wait until the hair is long enough before removing it. But many epilators can remove shorter hairs because they don’t press the hair against the skin like waxing does. 

Additionally, epilation may be a long-term solution for gradual hair reduction. If you continue to use an epilator, you may find that your hair grows softer and finer and at a slower rate than with shaving or other hair removal techniques.   

How to use an epilator


You’re probably now wondering ‘do epilators hurt?’ It’s true that they can be a bit uncomfortable at first, but with correct epilator use, it doesn’t have to be painful. To reduce any epilator pain, we recommend epilating in the shower. The warm water helps to open the pores, which will make it easier and less uncomfortable to remove hair.  


Take a look below for a step-by-step guide on how to use epilators and our top tips to make it as comfortable as possible: 

Take a look below for a step-by-step guide on how to use epilators and our top tips to make it as comfortable as possible: 

1. Select your epilator


The first step is to make sure you have a good quality epilator that will give you the results you’re looking for. When choosing your epilator, try to find one that you can use in the shower. As previously said, epilating while showering can help reduce any epilator pain by opening the pores. 


The Philips Satinelle Prestige Wet & Dry epilator, for example, is cordless and can be used both in and out of the shower to provide you with the utmost comfort. It removes hair from the legs, body, and face with ceramic discs that grip even the finest of hairs. 

Satinelle Prestige

Wet & Dry epilator

Our fastest epilation even on the finest of hairs

Our fastest ever epilator has unique ceramic discs that rotate at a greater speed than ever before and firmly grip fine and short hairs. You can now smoothen your skin before and after epilating by treating all your different body areas.

See all benefits

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2. Block out enough time


Next, be sure that you block out enough time. Epilating can be a bit more time-consuming than other hair removal techniques, especially when you’re first getting the hang of it. The last thing you want is to feel rushed so ensure that you have plenty of time to epilate slowly and correctly.  

3. Prepare your skin


If you really want to know how to epilate without pain, advanced skin preparation is key. Prep your skin by exfoliating to remove any dead skin. This will help reduce the chances of ingrown hairs and, overall, will give you better, smoother results.  Keep in mind that if your epilator is corded or not meant to be used in water, you must dry your skin thoroughly before epilating. 


If you go with a waterproof epilator, such as the Philips Satinelle Prestige, you don’t have to worry about whether your skin is dry or not. And if you can epilate in the shower, not only will this make the process more comfortable, but you won’t have to worry about cleaning up any hair — it will simply wash away down the drain! 

4. Begin epilating


Once your skin is prepped, you’re ready to epilate! Hold your epilator at a 90-degree angle and rest it against the area you wish to remove hair from. Be sure not to press it against your skin and allow it to slowly glide along your skin in the direction of your hair growth. If you do experience any epilator pain, take a break and continue later. 


Remember, the first time is the most uncomfortable because your hair is thicker. The more often you epilate, the more comfortable it will become as your hair becomes more fine.  

4. Moisturize 


When you’re done using the epilator, all that’s left to do is moisturize. Don’t be alarmed if your skin appears a bit red or bumpy — this is normal and will eventually go away.

Rub some soothing moisturizer on the area you epilated and enjoy your hair-free, smooth skin.

Clean, hair-free skin for longer! 


You now know the ins and outs of how to use an epilator for hair removal. The benefits of epilating are great if you’re interested in smooth, hair-free skin for longer periods of time than shaving. So say goodbye to prickly stubble and see for yourself why so many opt for epilation as their go-to hair removal technique.